Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Know the Canon EOS camera mode

 As a beginner the first time using a DSLR camera (Canon EOS), would often ask usefulness camera mode, such as AV, TV, P, etc.. Actually, the camera mode has been fully described in the manuals, but sometimes we are a beginner, confused when the right time to use it. OK, just sharing my experience, about the camera mode. Mode in a DSLR camera (Canon EOS):

1. A-DEP = Automatic Depth of Field In this mode, focus foreground and background settings adjusted automatically by the camera so it is more likely to produce good sharp images in the foreground or background. Frankly, I am very rarely or even never used this one mode. You can try to experiment.

2. Av = Aperture Priority Value In this mode we can set the aperture according to our wishes, but for the shutter speed you can not set it, shutter speed will compensate automatically. I used AV mode is used, if you want to play - play with Dof (depth of field) without confusion to set the shutter speed. If you want to produce a narrow Dof then, the number of aperture / diaphragm is reduced and vice versa, if you want to generate a broad Dof then the aperture is enlarged.

3. Tv = Time Value Priority In this mode the shutter speed can be adjusted in accordance with the will, but the aperture will automatically compensate the light requirement in accordance with the shutter speed. Usually I use to capture moving moments. It is up to produce images such as what, if freeze movement or moving effect on the photo.

4. M = Manual (Full Manual) In this mode, fully manual camera settings, both shutter speed, aperture, ISO, etc.. As a beginner like me should learn at this M mode. So we will not be spoiled by camera automation. With this M mode also we can experiment more.

5. P = Program In this mode both aperture and shutter speed will be calculated automatically according to the needs of light, we can only adjust the level of exposure.

6. Auto Auto mode is a mode where apeture settings, shutter speed, ISO, etc.. automatically set by the camera, according to the conditions when shooting. So photographer living "snap" without confusion settings.

For modes such as Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Moving Object, etc.. is a fork of the Auto mode for their needs - each.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Golden Triangle Photography (basic photography)

Light is absolutely necessary to produce a photograph. To produce an image, we must be able to regulate the amount of light for the image that we can not over (extra light) or under (the lack of light).

In photography there are three basic components that are interconnected to one another. The three components are:

1. ASA / ISO (sensitivity to light media)

In photography we know the film (analog cameras) and sensor (digital camera), the medium used to capture light to produce an image. Film and media censorship is sensitive to light, sensitivity to light is categorized by units of ASA / ISO.

Figures for the ASA / ISO used were 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 and so that is a multiple of the previous figure. The greater the number of ASA / ISO the more sensitive to light.

Use of ASA / ISO in large numbers allows shooting in low light situations. Will continue the use of ASA / ISO in large numbers produce a rough image, there are spots - spots on the image or often called noise.

2. Shutter Speed (Speed)

Shutter speed is a mechanical device inside the camera to adjust the length of light into the camera in seconds.

Figures for the shutter speed that is B, 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. The maximum number depends on the ability of the camera.

The use of shutter speed in large numbers to take pictures of moving objects produce the effect of freeze or moving objects such as - if silent. While on a small number will produce longitudinal line effect.

3. Diaphragm

The diaphragm is a mechanical device inside the camera to set the number (more / less) of light entering the camera. This mechanism is located on the camera lens.

Numbers listed on the diaphragm 1.4, 1.8, 2.8, 4, 5.6 ff. The bigger the number the smaller the aperture amount of light entering the camera.

The diaphragm has the effect on the image, called depth of field (Dof) or the space sharply. If the numbers diaphragm mounted on a small number, the sharper will be increasingly narrow space. We can produce images focus on specific parts and other parts blur or out of focus. Usually these small numbers diaphragm use for taking pictures of models, produce effects on the model and blur the focus on the background. In contrast to the use of the diaphragm in large numbers, will produce a sharp room spacious. Its use is usually for purposes of landscape photos (turbulent), as usual want images that focus from the closest point to the farthest.